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Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

there aren't again people who can accept a weakness from them friend

actually i write this because i feel it. i know i have many weakness. everybody sure have weakness. until now i never get friend who can accept me gracefully. actually i'm sad, i'm angry, i'm annoyed. but if i alone, i can't. i need friend. many people choose friend who smart, rich, famous. and me? no one. i don't what i must to write now my mind fall apart. i must do my homework, i must think my national exam, hhh i this short time may be i would be crazy people or may be idiot REAL IDIOT!

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

david archuleta

the first time i know him when i was in first junior high school. i collected all of him song. but i don't know why i deleted all. because last, i don't like him song. but now, i'm really really love him. i collect again. i search him photos, i always hear the song. he's so handsome, has a strong, good, nice, pretty voice. and his smile? oh my god make me fly like in parachutes and airplanes. talk about parachutes and airplanes, it song who make me like david archuleta. if indonesia have the concert, of course i will come and join. archie you make me crazy. oke enough :)

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

nearly friends

i have 3 friends who very near with me. their name is intan, irfan and uwit. i think intan is the smartest than us. and me, the stupidest --v. but, they can accept my weakness. the first i would like to tell you about intan.
intan and me have the same born day. we was born on jan 15 1997. when i know, i'm so surprised, i'm shock and i don't believe it. but i believe when she show she student card. intan is beautiful, smart, kind, friendly, diligent, and friendly. hmm irfan about him many character i don't like from him. irfan seldom hear people opinion. he always think he's always right and never false. but he often get the range, he always so lament when he get bad score, but i think that because he mistake. ha! uwit! i need brother like him. he so smart, kind, never angry, cool down, patient, essentially he perfect in my eyes. ok i think enough please comment it if you want :))